We organize events that
empower industry professionals to
radically reduce embodied carbon
from buildings and infrastructure
CLF Washington DC
CLF Washington DC is a local hub of the Carbon Leadership Forum. We organize local events that empower industry professionals to radically reduce embodied carbon from buildings and infrastructure.
A diverse mix of professionals joins our events, including architects, engineers, contractors, sustainability consultants, material suppliers, building owners, and policymakers. Our events include informative presentations and interactive group discussions that address a range of topics relating to embodied carbon. We aim to build up local industry capacity to design and construct buildings and infrastructure that radically reduce embodied carbon.
CLF Washington DC is connected to the larger global network of the Carbon Leadership Forum, which brings together 5000+ professionals from 2500+ companies, 75+ countries, and 1000+ cities around the world. Our aim is to leverage our resources to promote change in our region.
Sign up for our mailing list to learn about upcoming events, and become a member of the Carbon Leadership Forum to join the online discussion with the global CLF community.
What is CLF?
The Carbon Leadership Forum (CLF) is accelerating the transformation of the building sector to radically reduce the embodied carbon in building materials and construction through collective action.
CLF pioneers research, creates resources, fosters cross-collaboration, and incubates member-led initiatives to bring embodied carbon emissions of buildings down to zero.
The CLF network is made up of architects, engineers, contractors, material suppliers, building owners, and policymakers who care about the future and are taking bold steps to decarbonize the built environment, with a keen focus on eliminating embodied carbon from buildings and infrastructure.
Currently, the network brings together 5000+ professionals from 2500+ companies, 75+ countries, and 1000+ cities around the world
Join the Online
CLF Community
The CLF Community online platform brings together thousands of professionals from across the building industry, from over 30 countries and 100 cities around the world.
As a member, you can interact with a global network of interdisciplinary experts, where you can post questions, find resources, connect with local hubs, join focus groups, to keep track of upcoming events.
To join the CLF Community online platform, become a member of CLF and and opt-in to join the online community when joining.
CLF Local Hubs
CLF DC has inspired 25+ cities worldwide to start up local hubs. Check out a current listing of CLF local hubs to join.
Meet Our Co-Chairs
Rachel Nicely
Sustainable Program Manager, SBP
Kirsten Smith
Sustainable Program Specialist, SBP
Upcoming Events
DesignDC 2024: The Climate Crisis and Responsive Design
Thursday Feb 22, 2024, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
District Architecture Center, 421 7th St NW, Washington, DC 20004, USA
Join us at the District Architecture Center for the first DesignDC symposium of 2024, where architects and designers will gain key insights on mitigating operational and embodied carbon, talking to clients about regenerative design, policy, and financial incentives and resources.
In partnership with COTEdc and CLF DC.
Past CLF Washington DC Events
Scale of Embodied Carbon Emissions
Globally, the building and construction sectors account for nearly 40% of global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions in constructing and operating buildings (including the impacts of upstream power generation). Current building codes address operating energy but do not typically address the impacts ‘embodied’ in building materials and products. However, more than half of all GHG emissions are related to materials management (including material extraction and manufacturing) when aggregated across industrial sectors. As building operations become more efficient, these embodied impacts related to producing building materials become increasingly significant.
Significance of Embodied Carbon
Between now and 2060 the world’s population will be doubling the amount of building floor-space, equivalent to building an entire New York City every month for 40 years. Much of the carbon footprint of these new buildings will take the form of embodied carbon — the emissions associated with building material manufacturing and construction.
Embodied carbon will be responsible for almost half of the total new construction emissions between now and 2050.
Unlike operational carbon emissions, which can be reduced over time with building energy efficiency renovations and the use of renewable energy, embodied carbon emissions have irreversibly entered the atmosphere as soon as a building is built.
Local Metro-DC Embodied Carbon Policy, Case Studies, & other resources.
No Policy legislation locally has been proposed to date, but CNCA, Architecture 2030 and C40 Cities has published a list of 52 recommended possible Policy Frameworks that local jurisdictions and states can develop and adopt.
Boston Society of Architects(BSA) has a video archive of their comprehensive introduction to Embodied Carbon in the built environment which can be seen here.
More Coming Soon.......
Certification Systems that Address Embodied Carbon
Through the MRc1: Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction credit, projects can receive 1 LEED point just for performing an LCA study and up to 5 points for a 20% reduction in embodied carbon relative to a baseline building.
ILFI Zero Carbon Certification
Projects must demonstrate a 10% reduction in embodied carbon and not exceed 500 kgCO2e/m2, with remaining embodied emissions offset through an approved carbon offset provider.
ILFI Living Building Challenge - Energy Petal
Projects must demonstrate a 20% reduction in embodied carbon, with remaining embodied emissions offset through an approved carbon offset provider.
Past Vancouver CLF Videos
Meet Our Team
Kirsten Smith
Sustainable Program Specialist
Kirsten Smith
Sustainable Program Specialist
Kirsten Smith
Sustainable Program Specialist
Kirsten Smith
Sustainable Program Specialist